6 Tips To Keep Your Home Clean And Your Pet Happy!

Having a pet inside your home is amazing, but nobody can't deny a four-legged friend is also a huge responsibility. 

Owning a pet means you have to double up all your cleaning efforts! Sometimes, a dog seems more like a messy whirlwind inside your home, and cats can be messy too!

However, living with a lovely pet is worth all the effort! You don't need to worry much about cleanliness. Here are six cleaning tips you can implement right now as a pet owner!

1. Brush your pet frequently

Whether you live with a dog or cat, they will shed hair and leave a mess in your furniture and floors. However, you can reduce the amount of hair and pet dander scattered throughout your home by brushing your pet frequently!

Brushing your pet will remove all the loose hairs and dead skin flakes! So do it in the bathroom or any other easy-to-clean area to avoid a mess! 

2. Absorb odors with baking soda

Baking soda is not harmful to dogs and cats, meaning that you can take advantage of its deodorizing power! For example, You can keep odors controlled by washing your pet's bedding with baking soda and sprinkling this powder on their bed.

Also, you can sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda before adding the cat litter!

3. Wipe those muddy paws after a walk

If you take your dog for a walk, they might track dirt or mud into your home. However, you can solve this issue with a damped towel. Keep the towel near the door, so you can wipe your dog's paws before they step into your home. 

You can wipe your cat's paws if they also go outside for a walk!

4. Use lavender oil to leave your dog smelling great

Essential oils are so versatile they are used for cleaning, aromatherapy, personal care, cosmetics, and many more things! As a dog owner, you can use lavender oil to hide odors, repel bugs, and soothe your pet. Just place a few drops on your dog's bedding or collar. 

However, you need to be careful with the amount of oil you use! Lavender oil is safe for dogs in small quantities, but it could be toxic for dogs and cats if ingested

5. Clean the collars and toys

If your pet's items are dirty, they can give off a foul smell and make your home look messier! 

You can handwash your dog or cat's collar with your pet's shampoo every couple of weeks and clean their toys in the dishwasher. To clean soft fabric toys, place them in a garment bag and throw them in the washing machine with a pet-friendly detergent!

6. Adapt your cleaning tools and supplies!

If you are a pet owner, you should pick all your cleaning arsenal with your dog or cat in mind. For example, your vacuum cleaner or broom should be able to handle pet hair and dander! Also, some cleaning products can be especially harmful to pets, so pick your cleaners carefully!

Let CHRIStal Clean help you clean your home!

When you live with a pet, you have to prepare yourself to clean more frequently! However, you could also let the professionals do it! 

CHRIStal Clean is a reliable cleaning company serving Waukesha County! We use essential oils and other natural cleaners that are completely safe for your household—including your pet!

Ask for your quote now!

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